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Jul 03 2024 -
Druid's Update

Dear players


New spells, exclusive to Druids:
- Mass Cleanse ('exana mas res'): Removes burning condition, including soulfire, energy and poison with a radius of 3x3; for 65 mana, requires mlvl 10.
- Extinguish ('exana flam'): Removes burning condition, including soulfire; for 30 mana, requires mlvl 3.
- Discharge ('exana vis'): Removes energy condition; for 30 mana requires mlvl 3.
- Disintegrate Spell ('exito tera'): Works in the same way as the disintegrate rune, but is cast instantly and works in the square in front of the character. Inspired by the original spell of the Cip Gods 'alito tera'; for 60 mana, requires mlvl 7.
- Light Heal Friend ('exana sio'): With base healing at 80-160, just like the original exura sio; for 30 mana, requires mlvl 7.

Changed spells:

- Paralyze: You will now need 600 mana instead of 900, both for creation and use.
- Mass Healing: Now you will need 120 mana instead of 150.
- Heal Friend: Will now heal 160-240 as a base, which is the same healing power as Mass Healing, instead of 80-160 originally.
- Wild Growth: Now you will need 150 mana instead of 220.
- Undead Legion: Now will have a larger radius and will consume 300 mana instead of 500.
- Poison Storm: Will now apply the instant damage value instead of the originally cycled condition. Amount of mana used and damage formula have not been touched.
- Cancel Invisibility: Will now be available to druids, instead of sorcerers. It will consume 250 mana instead of 200, but it will have a chance equal to 20% of breaking the target's stealth ring (like in the old Tibia on PvP-Enfo servers).

The update will be included in this next Server Save.

Kind regards
Retronia Team

Jun 24 2024 -
Retronia Winter Update

New Distance Weapons, Quivers, Ammunition and Stone Pouch
- Bows, Crossbows and Quivers from Tiers 2, 3 and 4:
They are found among Lizard Sentinel, Sibang, Orc Leader, Barbarian Brutetamer, Banshee, Orc Warlord, Ancient Scarab, Necromancer, Dragon Lord, Hydra, Behemoth, Warlock, Serpent Spawn and Demon.
- Ammunition: Hunting Arrow 32 atk and Hunting Bolt 34 atk.
They are found in the loot of some creatures and in the near future, available for purchase via an NPC through the Bestiary System.
- Stone Pouch: Quality of life for distance skills training taken to another level, available in the Store.

mprovement of Elite Creatures
- General loot boost: Elite 1 at 15000, Elite 2 at 24000 and Elite 3 at 35000.
- Damage resistance: Elite 1 by 10%, Elite 2 by 20% and Elite 3 by 30%.
- New Abilities: Invisible, Copycats, Teleport and Super Speed.
- Elite 1: 50% with 1 skill, Elite 2: 50% with 2 skills and Elite 3: 50% with 3 skills.

Additional Loots
- Elite Creatures: They will give extra gold coins and will also have common items and Legendary items unobtainable in Tibia as loot to be discovered;
Helmets: Horned, Winged, Dragon Scale, Amazon.
Armors: Amazon, Elven, Nativer.
Legs: Demon, Dwarfen, Elven.
Others: Amazon Shield, Fire Sword, Dragon Lance, Hunting Arrow and Hunting Bolt.

Tibia Bosses
- They will now have a 50% chance of appearing with the characteristic of an Elite Creature of a random level.

 Improvement of some Items and also Tiers
- Magic Sword: Sword fighting +4
- Stonecuter Axe: Axe fighting +4
- Thunder Hammer: Club fighting +4
- Demon Helmet: Fire resist 2%
- Demon Armor: Fire resist 3%
- Demon Legs: Fire resist 5% and Tier 4.
- Winged Helmet: Speed ​​+40 and Tier 4.
- Dragon Scale Helmet: Tier 4.
- Dwarfen Set (helmet, armor and legs): Tier 2.
- Elven Mail: Arm 10, Life drain resist 3%, Mana drain resist 2% and Tier 2.
- Elven Legs: Arm 6, Life drain resist 2%, Mana drain resist 3% and Tier 2.
- Native Armor: Arm 11

Other Server I

- Playing using the trap item will now count towards the Bestiary advancement.
- Improved the descriptions in the party's shared experience interaction.
- In a party, Elite Creatures will only appear if the leader has done damage and has shared experience enabled and active.
- Gold Pouch is now a Soulbound item.
- Rashid now buys Dwarven Axes, Bolt Quivers and Arrow Quivers.
- Improved the House Action system for recurring payments.

Kind regards
Retronia Team

May 24 2024 -
Elite Creatures and Bestiary Improvement

Dear players,

Implementation coming from Road Map
Elite Creatures and Bestiary
This update will come in 2 parts, the first being the following:
Elite Creatures: Can no longer be convinced. Your summons will also be Elites of the same level as your Master.   They will no longer run with little health. They will be immune to invisibility. They will have their healing skills buffed to the same amount as the strength corresponding to the level.
Required number of kills for Difficulty 1 and 2 creatures in stages 1, 2 and 3:
Difficulty 1, stage 1: from 1000 to 300.
Difficulty 1, stage 2: from 500 to 1000.
Difficulty 1, stage 3: from 2200 to 2000.

Difficulty 2, stage 1: from 1500 to 500.
Difficulty 2, stage 2: from 1000 to 1500.
Difficulty 2, stage 3: from 4000 to 3000.

Chance of Appearance:
For stage 1:
2% chance of coming Elite 1 (2%)
All Elites will be Elite 1

For stage 2:
66.7% of 2% chance of getting Elite 1 (1.33%)
33.3% of 2% chance of coming Elite 2 (0.67%)
2% chance of becoming Elite and for every three Elite Creatures, two will be Elite 1 and one will be Elite 2.

For stage 3:
60% of 2% chance of coming Elite 1 (1.2%)
30% of 2% chance of coming Elite 2 (0.6%)
10% of 2% chance of coming Elite 3 (0.2%)
2% chance of becoming elite and for every ten elites, six will be Elite 1, three will be Elite 2 and one will be Elite 3.

Note: Approximate count, it is not mandatory for this proportion to always be due to randomness!

Kind regards

May 14 2024 -
Quests Update on Retronia

Dear Players,

With understanding and aiming for economic health, the appreciation and demand for certain items between mid to end game, we decided to restructure what some quests offer into items that were already possible to be obtained from creature loot.
The list of these quests and their rewards will be listed below, to help you reorganize your game strategy.
• Noble Armor Quest: Noble Armor
• Crusader Helmet Quest: 6 Small Diamonds, 2x BP HMM
• Orc Fortress Quest: 10k, Stone Skin Amulet, 8 Small Emeralds
• Circle Room Quest: Nothing - The level door has been removed to become a hunting location
• Naginata Quest: Nothing - The level door has been removed to become a hunting location
• Bright Sword Quest: 8k, 50 Power Bolts, Red Gem
• Black Knight Quest: Nothing, the level door has been removed to become a hunt location
• Deeper Fibula Quest: Elven Amulet, Dwarven Ring, Serpent Sword, 6 Small Diamonds, Time Ring - The level door has been removed to become a hunting location
• Banshee Quest: Boots of Haste, Amulet of Loss, Stealth Ring, Stone Skin Amulet
• Fire Axe Quest: Red Spell Wand, Life Ring, BP GFB, BP UH, Paralyze Rune, 2x Soulfire Rune, 4x Fire Bomb Rune, 2x Energy Bomb Rune
• Necromancer Quest: 5k, Blue Spell Wand, 2x BP UH, 2x BP HMM, BP Explosion
• Vampire Shield Quest: Ice Rapier, 2x BP SD
• Behemoth Quest: 30k, Life Ring, 5 Small Diamonds, 5 Small Sapphires, 5 Small Ruby, 100 power bolts
• Demon Helmet Quest: Demon Helmet
• Annihilation Quest: Demon Armor, Magic Sword, Stonecutter Axe, Presente Box (Annihilation Bear) and Thunder Hammer

Guardian Halberd can be looted from Behemoth.
Bright Sword can be looted from Hero.
Dwarven Axe can be looted from Dwarf Guard.
Naginata  can be looted from Barbarian Bloodwalker.
War Hammer will no longer be found freely as a map spawn.
Thunder Hammer has been replaced with another item to be discovered as loot from Orshabaal.

The map will be cleared on Server Save!

Kind regards
Retronia Team

May 10 2024 -
Solidariedade com Rio Grande do Sul

Sensibilizados com a situação atual do estado de Rio Grande do Sul aqui no Brasil, o Retronia reverterá todo o montante de Donates feito por vocês para fundos de ajuda!
Faça parte!

Mar 22 2024 -
New Retronia anti-cheat launcher.

Dear players, 

Our newest anti-cheat system launcher for Retronia Client is now available.

Always aiming to have a server away from cheaters, we are increasingly looking to improve our structure.

With this new Retronia Client Launcher, when downloading, the user will always have the most up-to-date version of our client, without the need to carry out accumulated updates!

Attention: The Retronia Client that is currently in use will be completely discontinued soon.

Download the new Launcher now and start using it as soon as possible! 

Kind regards
Retronia Team

Mar 21 2024 -
Major Retronia update.

Dear Players,
A major Retronia update has arrived! 

- Port Hope
A new continent is ready to welcome explorers and residents, a nostalgic and challenging adventure is waiting for you!


More options for Outfits and Addons, Keychain to store all your keys, Adventurer's tools for practical use, Home Depot and Home Mailbox for your convenience and a wide range of customization options to give your home a new look! 

- Rashid
A merchant interested only in purchasing specific items you may have is located to the left of Ankrahmun's boat in Arito's tavern.

-  Retronia Client
Performance, visual and structural improvements thought out down to the smallest details for an appearance and playability that is as close as possible with the Classic Client.
Now your entire gameplay for each session started with your character will be recorded locally and can be watched just like in the old days of TibiCam, the "Play Cams" Menu is located on the Client's home screen, below the Enter Game button.
All items that emit light, for example, torches, bonfires, lamps, magic walls, etc., and also items such as fire sword, fire axe, skull staff, etc., will now emit white light as a property according to version 7.4 originally behaves.

The update will arrive after this next Server Save, and it may take a few more minutes for the server to be turned on.
The map will be cleared, so be prepared to collect your belongings.
You will need to restart the Retronia Client to receive the updates.
Some houses across the map may become a little cheaper or a little more expensive, due to the readjustment of sqm limitations so that the house products offered in the Store are better applied.

Kind regards
Retronia Team

Feb 16 2024 -
Attribute of Health and Mana Regen | Tier 1 Rare Items

Dear players,

Now, each Tier of the Regeneration Attribute for Health and Mana will have its value divided by 5, which corresponds to the 5 items that receive this attribute to make up the equipment set: Helmet, Armor, Legs, Boots and Shield.
Tier 1: 0.2/item
Tier 2: 0.4/item
Tier 3: 0.6/item
Tier 4: 0.8/item

You will receive the amount of your Regeneration value every 5 Ticks of your vocation and promotion.
It will now be possible to use different Tiers of this Attribute to compose your equipment set.
An interference with Attribute Regeneration when equipped with a Regeneration Ring was fixed, which caused the value to also be increased.
The value required for the chance to loot Tier 1 Rare Items has been reduced from 500k to 600 items.

Kind regards
Retronia Team









































