ew Distance Weapons, Quivers, Ammunition and Stone Pouch - Bows, Crossbows and Quivers from Tiers 2, 3 and 4: They are found among Lizard Sentinel, Sibang, Orc Leader, Barbarian Brutetamer, Banshee, Orc Warlord, Ancient Scarab, Necromancer, Dragon Lord, Hydra, Behemoth, Warlock, Serpent Spawn and Demon. - Ammunition: Hunting Arrow 32 atk and Hunting Bolt 34 atk. They are found in the loot of some creatures and in the near future, available for purchase via an NPC through the Bestiary System. - Stone Pouch: Quality of life for distance skills training taken to another level, available in the Store.
Improvement of Elite Creatures - General loot boost: Elite 1 at 15000, Elite 2 at 24000 and Elite 3 at 35000. - Damage resistance: Elite 1 by 10%, Elite 2 by 20% and Elite 3 by 30%. - New Abilities: Invisible, Copycats, Teleport and Super Speed. - Elite 1: 50% with 1 skill, Elite 2: 50% with 2 skills and Elite 3: 50% with 3 skills.
Additional Loots - Elite Creatures: They will give extra gold coins and will also have common items and Legendary items unobtainable in Tibia as loot to be discovered; Helmets: Horned, Winged, Dragon Scale, Amazon. Armors: Amazon, Elven, Nativer. Legs: Demon, Dwarfen, Elven. Others: Amazon Shield, Fire Sword, Dragon Lance, Hunting Arrow and Hunting Bolt.
Tibia Bosses - They will now have a 50% chance of appearing with the characteristic of an Elite Creature of a random level.
Improvement of some Items and also Tiers - Magic Sword: Sword fighting +4 - Stonecuter Axe: Axe fighting +4 - Thunder Hammer: Club fighting +4 - Demon Helmet: Fire resist 2% - Demon Armor: Fire resist 3% - Demon Legs: Fire resist 5% and Tier 4. - Winged Helmet: Speed +40 and Tier 4. - Dragon Scale Helmet: Tier 4. - Dwarfen Set (helmet, armor and legs): Tier 2. - Elven Mail: Arm 10, Life drain resist 3%, Mana drain resist 2% and Tier 2. - Elven Legs: Arm 6, Life drain resist 2%, Mana drain resist 3% and Tier 2. - Native Armor: Arm 11
Other Server Improvements
- Playing using the trap item will now count towards the Bestiary advancement. - Improved the descriptions in the party's shared experience interaction. - In a party, Elite Creatures will only appear if the leader has done damage and has shared experience enabled and active. - Gold Pouch is now a Soulbound item. - Rashid now buys Dwarven Axes, Bolt Quivers and Arrow Quivers. - Improved the House Action system for recurring payments.
Kind regards Retronia Team