Dear players
New spells, exclusive to Druids:
- Mass Cleanse ('exana mas res'): Removes burning condition, including soulfire, energy and poison with a radius of 3x3; for 65 mana, requires mlvl 10.
- Extinguish ('exana flam'): Removes burning condition, including soulfire; for 30 mana, requires mlvl 3.
- Discharge ('exana vis'): Removes energy condition; for 30 mana requires mlvl 3.
- Disintegrate Spell ('exito tera'): Works in the same way as the disintegrate rune, but is cast instantly and works in the square in front of the character. Inspired by the original spell of the Cip Gods 'alito tera'; for 60 mana, requires mlvl 7.
- Light Heal Friend ('exana sio'): With base healing at 80-160, just like the original exura sio; for 30 mana, requires mlvl 7.
Changed spells:
- Paralyze: You will now need 600 mana instead of 900, both for creation and use.
- Mass Healing: Now you will need 120 mana instead of 150.
- Heal Friend: Will now heal 160-240 as a base, which is the same healing power as Mass Healing, instead of 80-160 originally.
- Wild Growth: Now you will need 150 mana instead of 220.
- Undead Legion: Now will have a larger radius and will consume 300 mana instead of 500.
- Poison Storm: Will now apply the instant damage value instead of the originally cycled condition. Amount of mana used and damage formula have not been touched.
- Cancel Invisibility: Will now be available to druids, instead of sorcerers. It will consume 250 mana instead of 200, but it will have a chance equal to 20% of breaking the target's stealth ring (like in the old Tibia on PvP-Enfo servers).
The update will be included in this next Server Save.
Kind regards
Retronia Team